About Bev Davis

Bev Davis headshot

It Started with a Dream

Davis was an interior designer in Chicago for 25 years (including designing a house on an early episode of HGTV), before being called to the ministry.

Davis, who holds a Masters of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, in Chicago, writes what she knows. Bullied and marginalized throughout her own young life, she was inspired to write her first book, Great Gray…a book about Exceeding NO Expectations when she was in Clinical Pastoral Education Residency at Aspirus Wausau Hospital.

She has also served as a resident hospice chaplain at the same hospital and other organizations. Additionally, she is a Certified Dementia Practitioner (NCCDP).

During this time the first book in the series came to Davis in a dream.

For some time she didn’t know what she was going to do with the story. But eventually, she felt ready to write the book about believing in yourself despite a lifetime of bullying.

She identifies with Gray, she says, the books’ central character. “He is me because I was bullied all my life too. Writing the first book gave me confidence about publishing my stories–It exceeded my ‘no expectations’ theme.”

Today she sums up her professional life this way. “I was once designing interiors and now I’m helping to improve interiors of the mind and soul.”

The accomplishments in Davis’ life echo the messages in her books–if you have a dream, you can go beyond limitations.

“Each book honors the differences in all of us and shows by example that everyone has special gifts and a purpose in life,” she says.

“We love Bev! We particularly love what she is doing through her books. She has to be the sweetest guest we have had on our show. You nailed it Bev.” Bill of the Bill and Kali Show